Tuesday, April 19, 2011

More homework.

I'm really bad at doing my homework when I need too, leading me to stay up too late finishing it. Which leads to me getting distracted and doing pointless, non homework related things.

Examples of Non-Homework Things I've Done Instead of Homework

1) Sing The Gummy Bear song. Loudly.
2) Spam Twitter with the Gummy Bear song.
3) Spam my best friend with The Gummy Bear song.
4) Finally closing The Gummy Bear song and turning The Lion King on as background noise.
5) Creating a new Minecraft world so I can feel like I earned some of the achievements.
6) Spamming my best friend about putting up the multiplayer Minecraft server so I can play with weather.
7) Singing The Circle of Life loudly enough to wake up my cat.
8) Googling myself.
9) Getting myself another bottle of water, just as an excuse to get up.
10) Reminding myself to get around to finally watching Tangled. Seriously, everyone seems to love it.
11) Trying to roar like a lion.
12) Giving up and going back to mucking around in homework.

Aside from being so lazy at homework, today was a relatively decent day. I actually feel like I have a half grasp on what we're doing in biology right now, despite getting 0/6 on my quiz. I can explain though - it was 2 multiple choice questions, but we had to show work. If you did the work but got the wrong answer? 0/3 that question. Wrong work, but right answer? 0/3 that question. I messed up the first one by CIRCLING the wrong answer, and did the second one wrong by thinking it was GREEN birds, not blue.

Stupid genetics unit.

My lips have been so badly chapped for a week now, despite the fact I've used a ton of chapstick. It's getting really annoying. And slightly painful.

Alright, I'm going back to failing at doing homework. Have fun everyone!

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