Friday, August 3, 2012

BEDA: Long weekends are the best weekends.

Seriously. You never appreciate them until you really need them. Like when you only have 14 more days of work left.

Today was not a particularly exciting day. I worked. I went to lunch with 6 of the other students at work. I worked. I came home. Then I got to go shopping at least! That went okay. I got a new pair of sandals and a new pair of flats. I'm just excited it's the weekend now. I'm making a like... cream cheese pancake recipe tomorrow morning, and it looks so good, and my mommy got me sugar free syrup for it ^_^

Really, other than shoes, my day kind of sucked. I argued with someone, I had to work, I watched sad YouTube videos, and now I'm reading old facebook messages and they're depressing me. I was a bit of a whiny bitch. Also, my messages with one person are really hard to read since he basically, 100% hates me now. It's honestly just... ugh. Since he and I were so nice and great with each other then. I've been working on writing a blog post about him for like a year now. It was going to be a sequel to that whole "Brae has too many feelings" one I posted about someone else. I still can't write this one though. :/ Did I tell you found this guy's tumblr though? It wasn't hard. I know his twitter still, but it's private, but I accidentally found his tumblr he hasn't used in... months. It was weird. Eeeugh. I have to stop reading this now. It's especially weird since facebook was the only contact he and I had at that point so... yeah. Weird.

Well. That was a little bit depressing. It's my bedtime now so I can actually wake up and be something resembling alive tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!

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