Monday, January 23, 2012

I need a vacation so desperately right now.

I just really, really need to get away from all this.

I just finally got over the worst flu that I've had for years. I spent about six days in bed, getting up only to vomit and feed my cat. It was disgusting and terrible. I feel about 95% better now, meaning I'm still not all the way there! Yay. As a result, I am SUPER behind in all my classes. I missed 3 classes of Religious Studies, Stats, and Sociology. I feel super behind, and I know Linguistics (which I missed 2 classes of) will be just as bad tomorrow.

That means, with my feeling super behind, I also am full of stress and panic. And what do I love more than a vacation away from responsibilities?! NOTHING. That's what. I have a week off of classes in February, my reading week, that I am now back to being super determined to going on a trip during. It helps that I have tons of friends that live all over the USA, however, that doesn't make a difference when you're broke and don't have a job. I'm sort of limited. It is possible to find cheap flights, but I also have an extreme fear of getting lost in airports that I'm not familiar with. So layovers that aren't long enough to keep my anxiety in check... do not sound fun. The main 2 places I've been looking at, sadly, are really really hot places. Both of them have friends I want to visit though... The problem with these being my best options are, if I don't go in February, I won't be able to visit these people until winter at the earliest. I don't operate well in the heat.

There is definitely a (high) chance I won't be able to go somewhere during February. I am extremely terrified of this happening. I don't know why, really, other than my being ill, that I am so ridiculously ready to get the hell out of this place. I might even feel better after going back to Calgary this weekend. Maybe I am just tired of Lethbridge. Maybe I'm just lonely and this is how I plan to fix it, in some weird way. I am lonely. I don't know.

I just want a vacation. :(

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