Thursday, November 24, 2011

This here is a complete and utter waste of both my time and yours!

I was having one of my lonely nights tonight and was a few paragraphs into a self-loathing blog post about being a forever aloner with no friends (it's one of THOSE nights) before I realized I need to get out of that mindset. So here I am. With a cheery post.

I have to wake up at 4:45 tomorrow to register for next semesters classes, meaning I should probably be asleep right now. Sadly, I'm pretty much unable to fall asleep before midnight, so I'm killing time by rewatching my favourite Minecraft video series (the Yogscast, for anyone who is curious). I'm sure how much I keep bursting into giggles at things they say isn't helping my body decide it's sleepy time, or helping my sister fall asleep as her room is right down the hall.

Speaking of next semester, I decided I'm registering for Sociology 1000, Linguistics 2600, Methods and Statistics in Psychology (I forget the number for it) and a history class about politics in Europe from 1750-1914, or something. Nothing terribly exciting, seeing as I'm only taking History 1000, Psychology 1000 and Linguistics 2300 right now. I'm actually doing fairly well gradewise. It's just the social aspect I'm still absolute shit at. The only person in the city I'm friends with is definitely still my sister.

My birthday is also in like, 6 sleeps or something! November 30th! I'll be 18, meaning I can legally vote and drink and all that lovely stuff that comes with adulthood in Alberta. My sister has something planned for my birthday, although I have NO idea what, and then on the weekend after it my mom is coming down, and so is one of me and my sister's friends. So I get to see them and stuff. I'm also going to buy myself a birthday present because STEAM SALES OH MY GOD!

This has been a terrible blog post better suited for my piece of shit tumblr than my real blog, but was posted here because my tumblr only gets 4 sentences max posts.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday for in a few days! And good luck with new classes! X
