Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I got an award?! ME?!

So I log in, start up my blog about my travels, when I check the little box on the bottom of the Blogger homepage (does this box have a name? I like to hope it has a name) and read some of the posts of the people I follow. And oh my goodness, I got chosen by the fantastic Twitch of Twitchverse for the "I Dig Your Blog" award.

I never win awards. This is so exciting.

Thank the person who gave you this award:
Thank you so much Twitch! You were actually one of the first people who followed me, and I love reading your posts. We were BEDA buddies in April :D so many <3s.

Reveal 3 random facts about yourself:

  1. I'm probably the only person I know who prefers an e-reader to actual books. So convenient.
  2. I don't really like gum very much, but if I ever have it in my room, I always chew it compulsively.
  3. Despite the amount of time I spend on computers, I'm an awful typer. I never learned how to do it correctly, and while I can type quickly, I make a lot of mistakes.
Pass on the award:

I'm not very good at the "pass the award on" thing, as most of the blogs I read don't read mine. I do know the lovely Chi though, who I'd like to pass this on too. She's great and so is her blog. :)

Thanks so much! I'll return to my scheduled Florida posts in a few days. :)


  1. Thank you, I'll be sure to do this when I have time! ^w^

  2. Yay BEDApril buddies! Lols, never thought of that! <3 Oh and you are most welcome xXx
