Testing out blogging from my iPad, but there is a chance this may not work as planned. Be warned. If the layout goes completely bonked, I will just repost it from my computer.
Today was a pretty manageable day. I got some more forms from the University of Lethbridge about my course registration, which is only like, 2 weeks away. Terrifying. I'm not completely sure if I am ready for university, but I know that I have to be. So I just deal with it. I just know it's going to be such a massive change from high school. On top of that change, I'll be moving about 2 and a half hours away from Calgary, and the only house I have ever lived in, to a smaller city where I won't know anyone.
Not knowing anyone will be a good chance for a fresh start though. I've never been particularly popular here with the people I go to school with. Getting away from them will be a big step in the right direction of not being an angsty teenager. (That is something I don't consider myself already, though).
Aside from my university turmoil, I had an extremely enjoyable biology test today. Not really though. I'm not going to whine about it, but I am counting down the days left of biology. Definitely not a class I excel at.
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