A kitten!!!

His name is Severus, after Severus Snape of course, and his nickname is Sevvi. Funny story actually - the people we got him from said he was a little girl, so I thought Sevvi was a good way to feminize Severus... then we went to the vet and we were corrected. Ooops. Anyway, he's a playful, adorable sweetheart. He looks like a younger version of Midnight, which is both hilarious and terrifying, since he's picking up a lot of the same mannerisms from Midnight since we came home after my classes ended.
I love him so, so much. I bought him a new (green and silver!) collar since we realized the pink doesn't suit him quite as well. ;)
What else have I been up too.... Hmm, on my 18th birthday I went to my first pub and got my first legal drink with my sister and our roommate. Also, chicken wings. That was fun. And the weekend afterwards, two of our friends came down and I went to my first club. It was one of our other friends first time going as well, so the two of us sort of felt awkward and terrified together. Loud music and lots of people acting ridiculously, stereotypically "white college student."
So. That was that.
Being 18 doesn't feel as different as I expected it too. It was like, I expected to instantly feel much older and legal and able to do all of the stuff I'd been wanting to do since I was 15, but nope. No difference. I also haven't talked to absolutely any of the people who made it their life goal to talk to me once I was 18, so that's always funny (and a positive in the case of all but one! D: ).
I hope everybody's holiday season is going well. I'm just about wrapped up my Christmas shopping - just need a few things for my mom and something for my best friend, since he's such a pain to buy for. My exams are coming up next week, so I should be studying for those. Particularly Linguistics. I'm definitely not studying at all yet. Ooops!